Wednesday, February 20, 2008


The LilyPad Arduino

It's hard to know how dependent to something one can become until it's gone or it's taken away.  This past friday, maintenance / physical plant guys showed up cut the power to the floor outlets in the graduate studios and covered them with brand new shiny brass plates.  The reason they gave was that: they are unsafe because we(the grads) might spill some liquid in it. In that years that the building has existed has anybody spilled anything in the electrical floor sockets. 
Recently i've started experimenting with integrating electronic components, such as: Speakers, motors, lights, buttons, and stuff, in to my paintings / wall pieces.  soldering gun, hot glue gun, hot knife, lamps, & a/c power are tools / things that i use to make these experiments happen. therefore, no floor electrical sockets equal no happening in my studio. sunday after the power cut and discovering that the outlets on the original wall still had power, i bought i 50 foot bright orange commercial quality extension cord.  with my bright orange contraband, i was able to complete a mask made from and old mask respirator . 
I don't know what it for yet. You can wear it and what ever you say is distorted and digitalized, kinda, and i can plug my ipod to it.
OooH Yes, there is an article about this electrical components that can be sewn into clothing.  they use a multi-use platform called an auduino. it's something i'm interested in.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

cANT sToP THe MAD scieNTisT

The other night I couln't go to sleep and was relaxing flipping through the channel and the name  damien hirt flashed on screen and i changed the channel i realized who that was and then i changed it back, it was sureal to see so thing about real art on TV. Hearing him talk was reassuring. Demien Hirst stammers and has difficulty speaking, i still have hope. i identify with him. He is in some ways like a mad sciencetist also.
slowly (my work /my art) in (growing/evolving)  from (painting/2d work) to a more 3d/sculptural form.  
when i get to point where i like what going on in one of my art pieces, i don't stop i feel i have to continue. not knowing if it is enough or if it was just a happy accident makes me what to keep working on it further.  i dont know when to stop, and i ruin my work. However, after a while i'll  get to a point where i like what it looks like again and 'll be done. The question i ask myself is: "is first time better than than the second time?"  do i over work my artworks, killing the soul of the work? My satisfaction with the piece goes up and down like the values of a stock in the stock market in a sort of wave with its hill and valleys.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008



-COLOR or WRITE something negative on/in it
-CUT it out
- TAPE it somewhere or on something you think is "negative"
-TYPE where it where you placed it on the bottom of this e-mail
-FOWARD this e-mail
-Post it here

house on WIlkins Ave.
214 W. Nueva